Finding Relief With Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management Frisco, TX

Coping with a chronic disease can be a fatiguing endeavor, but chronic disease management with the help of a knowledgeable doctor could be the key to living a thriving and fulfilling life, despite the recurring symptoms and challenges. A chronic disease requires adjustments that a short-term illness does not, and medical practitioners who understand this distinction are poised to offer the level of quality care that chronic illness patients deserve.

Chronic disease management can restore quality of life

Managing a chronic disease requires strategy and adjustment in various areas of life. However, with careful planning and regular collaboration with a trustworthy doctor, a chronic illness does not have to slow patients down.

What makes a disease chronic?

Chronic diseases and illnesses come in many forms, but the factor that earns them that specific label is either that they require consistent and repeated medical attention for the same issue, impact daily living for an extended period, or persist for a year or more without resolution. Chronic diseases can be anything from physical pains to mobility challenges and mental acuity issues.

Lifestyle adaptations

One strategy that a chronic disease management doctor may recommend to mitigate symptoms is adjusting one’s lifestyle around the illness. For instance, a patient with recurring bowel issues may benefit from changing their diet to exclude lactose, certain grains, acidic foods, and nightshades.

Each condition is different, however, and lifestyle adaptations should always be made with the specific patient in mind. If they enjoy a particular form of exercise, a good doctor will find a plan that includes this type of exercise or activity, if perhaps in a modified form, so the patient can keep enjoying their hobbies.

Medication options

Besides lifestyle changes, many patients take medications as part of chronic disease management. These can include anything from regular injections performed at the doctor’s office to daily pills. Patients should always speak with their doctor before adding anything to their regimen, including over-the-counter options like supplements.

Regular testing and strategy

Doctors who help patients manage chronic diseases will typically perform regular testing to stay up to date on the state of the illness and its progression. Imaging, blood work, and physical tests like stress EKGs may be necessary at intervals more frequent than what the average patient will receive. By understanding the current state of the illness, doctors can make more targeted recommendations that will help patients achieve better outcomes.

Find relief from chronic disease

Coping with a chronic disease does not have to mean that you have to give up the things that make you happy. Chronic disease management with the help of a doctor can bring relief from symptoms. Contact our clinic today to schedule an appointment. We can answer your questions, address your concerns, discuss the challenges that you are facing due to your chronic disease, and establish a strategy for managing your difficulties and finding relief.

Request an appointment here: or call Delc Medical Center at (469) 287-4509 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Chronic Disease Management in Frisco, TX.

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