How to Know if Medical Weight Loss Is the Correct Choice

Medical Weight Loss Frisco, TX

Medical weight loss sounds like a great idea, right? After all, medically supervised weight loss programs are crafted by actual doctors, based on years of medical research. The doctors that oversee medical weight loss programs will go so far as to craft a tailor-made solution based on an exhaustive evaluation of an individual.

As good as all this sounds, the decision to lose weight and make changes to your life is not an easy one. You are probably considering all your options as you work to choose a weight loss strategy that will actually work. So, consider all your options, starting with medical weight loss. Take a closer look at how this type of program works and see if it is a good fit.

Medical weight loss, in a nutshell

The medical community continues to accumulate data pertaining to the large number of overweight and obese patients. Armed with this information, some doctors, dieticians, nurses and fitness trainers collaborate to create holistic programs geared toward long-term weight loss.

During the initial consultation, a patient will consult with a doctor, who will ask them about aspects of their daily life, including daily routine, fitness history, current diet and diet history. The doctor will do a comprehensive exam to look for any physiological or psychological causes for the person's excess weight. The doctor will work with the rest of the team to create a diet and exercise regimen that gradually increases in intensity. The patient will start the program by adopting small changes and building on those.

Medically supervised weight loss programs are long-term (not quick) fixes. They train a person to make incremental changes to their behavior. These changes become part of a lifestyle that ultimately gets rid of the extra pounds permanently.

When medical weight loss is not a good fit

Medical weight loss is not for everyone. Some people are put off by the extended time frame, which is an integral aspect of this type of weight loss program. By its very nature, medical weight loss is anything but a quick fix. Others want to sculpt their bodies and participate in triathlons, and they may have the grit and willpower to pull it off. Such people may benefit from a more aggressive approach.

Medical weight loss is not a viable option

Medical weight loss programs are not ideal for everybody. A person who wants to lose some weight for an occasion will not make a good candidate. An overweight person that used to be an athlete and still has the discipline and drive to pursue a more aggressive path, like a martial art. Someone that wants to lose weight and build muscle or endurance for a once-in-a-lifetime feat like a triathlon or scaling a challenging rock formation at Yosemite National park. That person needs an approach that focuses on building muscle and strength.

When to choose medical weight loss

Some overweight and obese people actually need medical care for conditions caused by or exacerbated by excess weight. A general practitioner that treats such an individual will recommend weight loss for health purposes. Along this vein, medical weight loss is ideal for:

  • People who have an underlying problem (like depression, a thyroid problem or some other form of hormonal imbalance) that is responsible for the excess weight
  • People with medical conditions like hypertension, heart disease or arthritis, who need a weight loss regimen that is overseen by an actual doctor
  • People that have tried other weight loss programs with mixed and temporary results
  • People who are focused on a healthy lifestyle and permanent weight loss in the long term

Reach out if you want to turn it around bit by bit

If you think of weight loss as a huge challenge that you have to tackle in one fell swoop, you will give up. Instead, get in touch today and start a weight loss journey that begins with baby steps. You will barely notice as you shed the pounds and begin to feel more and more amazing, with every passing day.

Request an appointment here: or call Delc Medical Center at (469) 287-4509 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Medical Weight Lossin Frisco, TX.

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